A press release to Egypt Oil&Gas stated that the Egyptian Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Tarek El Molla, headed a meeting of Zohr’s Development Higher Committee that aims to follow up on the progress of work in Zohr field and ensure that it meets designated timeframes.
During the meeting El Molla stated that Italian Eni is developing Zohr field as the drilling of the 6th well had ended with promising results. In addition, the drilling operations of the 7th well has started as the final stage of the accelerated development project which aims to produce 1bcf/d of gas by the end of 2017 to increase to 2.7bcf/d of gas by the end of 2019 when the development plan is completed.
El Molla also reviewed the progress on Engineering for the Petroleum & Process Industries (Enppi) and Petrojet refinery at West Port Said. The 2.8bcf/d facility will process gas extracted from Zohr.