The Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company ( EGAS) has cut its imports of natural gas imports to five monthly shipments (equivalent to 700 mcf/d) from eight (800 mcf/d) since the beginning of 2017 due to rising domestic production and lower consumption, as reported by a local newspaper.

An Official Source at EGAS said  to the local newspaper that the company started supplying 100mf/d of  imported natural at the port of Aqaba after a two-month stop. The contracted quantities with the Jordanian side are estimated by 200mcf/d.

Imports will rise again to 1.4 bcf/d in May when summertime demand kicks in, according to an EGAS official. Domestic production is expected to increase to 5 bcf/d from a current 4.5 bcf/d by the second half of the year, before launching the production at Zohr field.

The source explained that about 3bcf/d of gas is pumped to power stations and 1300mf for homes, cars, medium factories and small consumption.